Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Words to Live By + Hello Again!

Hi all!  Sorry my absence has been so extended, but this summer was an intense one.  Even now, we are still getting settled into our new home and doing lots of reno's.  We love our new home and our quaint little town that we now live in, but things are very different for us here.  We haven't met any friends yet, which makes me, the social butterfly, a little lonely, and to make it worse, they weren't even hiring for subbing positions here.  They have more teachers than they know what to do with.  *Sigh*.  So please keep me sending good thoughts out there for me okay?  Hopefully something comes up soon, because it is so hard being away from something that you love so much.

In other news, I just finally got with the times and got a Pinterest account.  I gotta say, all the raving was justified.  This site rocks!  I have so many pin boards and my bookmarks and saved pictures are now neatly organized on the web and not cluttering up my desktop!  LOVE IT.  While scouring around Pinterest, I came upon this quote and it really spoke to me and my belief about education and the entire teaching world.  I really felt to share it with you.

Can you imagine what our education system would look like if everyone truly believed in this?  I know there are excellent teachers out there now who do, but I also know there are many who don't.  I think this is the reason so many of our students are falling through the cracks or failing or growing up with low self esteem because they are "too stupid" to do well in school.  We need to show students that everyone is smart and everyone has their own intelligences and it's okay!  You're a genius at poetry.  You're a genius on the basketball court.  You're a genius with a saw in woodworking class.  You're a genius!  So many times the words "smart" and "genius" and "intelligent" become associated only with math, science, and other academic subjects, but students need to know that being a whiz at playing the trombone is just as special as being able to whiz through an algebra equation in 3.2 seconds flat.  Don't you agree?